This Too Shall Pass

In the midst of my tears I looked at my bookshelf and there was my journal. I had not written in it in over a year. I started to resent my journal a bit. I only wanted to report good things about life, I didn't want my journal to be filled with sadness and misery, so I stopped writing it all together. The truth is I had been feeling sad, alone, and depressed for months; I WAS NOT OKAY, and I had been lying to myself about it. I am a mental health therapist for God sake.

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Disconnected from emotions connected to sensual love emotionally___ dismissive, Incapable, I can’t feel what they’re feeling. Laying on my back staring at the ceiling, Problems dreaming while I’m sleeping

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Imani Tawfiq
The Beauty in Perseverance

I use to question God, with questions like “Why me? Why us? Why God?” — until I really started understanding the saying “everything happens for a reason.” It’s a lesson and a blessing in every situation and when that really settled in for me I pushed harder than I ever had before and prevailed through situations that were meant to break me. I stood tall when I could have folded. I became stronger in times when I felt my weakest. The pressure made me a diamond. I’m no Leo but I feel like the king of the jungle

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Imani TawfiqComment

Life after football is when I discovered how bad my mental illness was. I battled clinical depression and didn't know it until I saw myself at an all-time low. Struggling with sleep and communicating with others; all the signs was there of me falling apart and not being myself. I ignored the signs for a while trying to tell myself I was okay but deep down inside I wasn't.

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Need to Love

I want someone to understand my need to love and cherish a love desperately,

Someone that’s willing to take my hand and journey through life’s perceptively, Someone who cares enough to carry me on for eternity.

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Silent Ride Home

When we hear those words, “I battle with mental illness,” we often think crazy. I knew that I wasn’t crazy, I just knew I needed more. More of something to help me get through what I was going through. Where I am from mental health isn’t a cool topic of discussion; so unfortunately many of us are left fighting silent battles alone.

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