Posts in Mental Health
The Power Within

In 2017, I created a vision board of what I wanted my life to look and feel like…I was very intentional and direct with the words I spoke to be more intentional mentally and emotionally, to be more present, more patient, and to embrace my journey with my joy and inner peace…I really wrote, visualized, and spoke everything into existence for what I wanted for myself since I was a young girl. And what a joy it is to see it come to fruition.

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Lovely Day

I sit and think of how mentally and emotionally strong our ancestors had to be to endure such a time (OMG, I am becoming emotional). I think about how much strength they passed on in spirit. I also think about how as a society we now have the power to shift our culture and the narrative to normalize seeking help, support and resources that we need.

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Death By Suicide

I’ve been around my share of men who are overly expressive, very assertive and take their healing seriously. But I’ve also been around men who drown themselves in sex, drugs, alcohol, video games, materialistic things, activities, and everything under the sun to avoid dealing with the reality that they are not okay.

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It's okay to not be okay

I literally had no words and no feelings. Just numbness. And to be honest, I haven’t had any words or any feelings lately. I have been avoiding looking at any videos, reading any post, and speaking of any situations that are violent towards Black people because it hurts too much to see. It hurts too f*cking much!

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