An Ode to Mental Health

Image captured in Cairo, Egypt, 2021

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month it was imperative that I write to inform and write to cope. Mental Health Awareness Month is a time to foster awareness for individuals experiencing mental health issues, reduce stigma around mental health, and also promote the idea that “Mental Health” is for everyone.

There is an assumption that Mental Health is only for individuals who experience issues of depression, anxiety, eating/sleeping among a host of other diagnosis. However, this is not entirely true. While everyone may not experience such a mental health illness/diagnosis, it is imperative that everyone maintain their mental health. Everyone!

Mental Health is our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It is how we think, feel, and act.

Example: If I am constantly over thinking about something that I have no control over, I may feel anxious or sad, which may result in physical isolation or a decrease in my mood.

Positive Mental Health Example: If I am thinking of something I can’t control, I am aware that I am not in control. I acknowledge my current feeling and explore steps to support me in the now like countering positive thoughts and actively exploring things I do have control over to change. I can also utilize my personalized coping skills, and lean on my support system to hold a space for me.

It is important to be informed, aware, and take positive steps daily to maintain your well-being. Positive mental health allows us to express and recognize our emotions, manage stress, build our resilience, cope with challenges in our lives, and operate as our best selves.

Ok. Now that you’ve been briefly informed let me let you in on something…Maintaining your mental health is not easy but it is possible and necessary.

I remember when I was 25 years old and a graduate student obtaining my social work degree. I had just loss my dad, trying to maintain a 4.0 GPA, balance a long distance relationship with my then-partner and family, and find ways to maintain a fun and outgoing life style in Atlanta with no employment. Needless to say, life was happening and I remember it was difficult to balance all of it. In the midst of the balance, I was placed at an internship that supported the inner city community specifically around Health and Mental Health for Black people.

Before interning there I had never in my life heard of “Mental Health.” I was assigned to watch a play that acted out mental health diagnosis and provide my opinion. As each act concluded I found myself emotionally connected as I was able to essentially view myself represented in each scene, from experiencing grief and trauma to feelings of distress. The way I emotionally responded I knew that I had to become more informed about my observation and so I did.

I actively did my research and took classes on how to address these topics that had now become personal to me. I thought if I am feeling this way and not aware as a college graduate student I can only imagine what people in my family and community may be experiencing who did not have equal access or an opportunity to resource or knowledge. Maintaining my mental health was not easy because I simply didn’t know but it was possible because once I became aware, I made it my priority to ensure that every part of my well-being would be healthy.

So here I am 7 years later. Informed, educated, and making it my moral obligation to promote Mental Health and make it accessible, digestible, and relatable for my folks, mainly through blog writing and being transparent! I’ve learned that my shared experience can support someone who’s living in isolation or ignorance. I promote mental health by having open discussion that allows others to share their experience and ensure that their experiences are seen and heard. Also by encouraging others through providing tangible tools for people to use to cope i.e. therapy, mental health resources, hosting ` writing circles, and Mental Note Cards.

As I continue to to utilize this platform to promote mental health for myself and others, let’s normalize and share ways for healing in our community.

Mental Note: We must start with ourselves first.

 Here are 6 Mental Notes to improve your mental health:

1) Eating a nutritious balanced means, sleeping, regularly, and exercising is what will keep you going.

2) Connecting with others who are supportive, loving, and healthy for you is how your village will maintain strong.

3) Practicing mindfulness and gratitude regularly will fill your cup. Are you identifying and acknowledging the small things in your life?

4) Expressing and sharing your thoughts is essential to your mental health. Get it off your mind.

5) Revisit a hobby, explore coping skills, and creating balance in your personal, social, and professional life.

6) Use writing as a form of coping (Write current feelings, goals, admiration, challenges).

 Please also enjoy my ode in honor of Mental Health Awareness month. Then, I want like to encourage your to write a message to yourself on how can you maintain your mental health.


An Ode' to Mental Health 

Depression what’s that?

Something I always heard but never understood

Like the constant ongoing trauma in the hood

Like really what’s good ?

I’ve been having thoughts and feeling a way

But still somehow I have a smile on display

Yea, mom I am sure that I am ok!

No for real.

I am taking the time out to learn myself and heal

No for real.

I took time to find out what I like

Like riding my bike,

Walking the beach, baseball games, jazz and good books,

Exploring the world with a vision, pen and paper, adventures while looking good. 

Like I am aware of my thoughts

And I know without a doubt that I am great despite my mistakes.

And I know If I continue to try with God on my side then I am aligned

How I feel?

I acknowledge that I feel deeply

If I been blessed to love twice before, then if I keep praying then surely it wont miss me

The 3rd times a charm

I have to embrace the feelings as I make a Mental Note writing “Carpe Diem”

Yes,  I am finding balance and peace

Living in purpose in community and fulfilled with joy

And when sadness does present itself I know who I can lean on

My community, my family, and friends

Making sure that my spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional journey never ends

I am ensuring that when I am in need that I communicate and I speak

I am intentionally loving and embracing every single part of me

Every day I have another chance and a choice to be free

Everyday I have a chance and choice to live in a way that brings out the best of me
