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mental note

The purpose of Mental Note by Imani Tawfiq is to provide a platform designed to address mental health in communities and serve as a resource hub for those who want to maintain their overall well-being.

Recognizing the power of writing and its therapeutic effects on one’s healing process, this platform will further serve as a judge-free interacting platform to offer moral and social support.

This platform will also provide healing tips on how to cope with mental stress and offer a contact list of professional services..


Meet the Creator

Rasheeda Jones earned her Master’s in Social Work from the illustrious, historically Black institution Clark Atlanta University (CAU).

The South Central Los Angeles native has worked as a Mental Health Therapist servicing women and children in the inner-city of LA. She currently serves as a mental health consultant, advocate, author and speaker.

When working as a community organizer, she navigates her political power with social organizations helping to change laws for populations impacted by mass incarceration. She further promotes “healing to advocacy” by dismantling the social isolation of women and families.

Rasheeda is a passionate world traveler and has immersed herself into the common cultures developing an ardent devotion for community outreach, partnership and engagement. Her love for the people has further driven her desire to empower, educate and inspire her community and the masses utilizing her influence by any means necessary.

She also enjoys spending time with family and friends, hiking, biking, traveling, running, writing, and processing her experiences through writing.